About Me
Highly skilled professional in Cybersecurity. Programmer. Entrepreneur.
- Penetration Testing Expert: with a focus on identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in systems and applications.
- Strong Programming Skills: capable of developing web pages and applications in PHP and Python.
- Entrepreneur: successful owner of an online jewelry business, demonstrating leadership and business acumen.
- Computer Forensics Expert and Security Responsible: Associate at PETEC with ID PT-00189, with in-depth knowledge of security processes and protocols, as well as applicable regulations and standards.
- Certified: with recognized titles such as OSCP, eWPTXv2, eCPPTv2, eJPT and eJPTv2, demonstrating my constant commitment to professional growth and ongoing learning.
- Effective Communicator: able to clearly and concisely convey complex technical concepts to a diverse audience.

2022Página programada totalmente a medida para el famoso torneo SoloQChallenge.

Asesoria MC
2021Diseño de un portal web para sector servicios de asesoria e inmobiliaria.